

Statement of contribution to diversity


Spirit of diversity and equality has been the source of innovative ideas and creative developments. Involving different people is essential for discovery/emergence of a novel solution: this statement has been confirmed as correct in my personal experiences of studies on theoretical physics. For this goal, however, there exist many barriers in age, language, region, race, ethnicity, religion, gender-sexual identity, abilities/disabilities, economic situation, etc.

I am motivated to keep that my activities, proposals and statements are completely independent of any inequality or discrimination. All persons and organizations involved are accountable for fair and equitable laws/rules. In the case of education, employment, recruitment, or diplomacy, the principle of equality in the sex/gender types, races, nationalities, and all the other properties of human must be satisfied. I aim to realize the place where any person can find instruction in any study, and to design the educational programmes and research opportunities which enable people with all the possible characters/differences can participate and pursue their interests.

From my experience, having the diversity/equality but only inside the academic and working scenes is NOT enough for true diversity/equality, because the academic and working activities are not whole, but just some parts of one’s life. For example, having an experience of discrimination in the bar, shop or supermarket can be enough to prevent one from positively working in that country. For realization of true diversity/equality in every scene, I recognize the importance of education. I hope to propagate this idea and cooperate in mentoring students and colleagues to enhance the diversity/equality in each
element of society.